
Previously on ...

... this little nook. Or, in, I suppose.

I had posts. I reverted all of them to drafts. I did this because I really wasn't feeling connected to the writing contained within them. So I decided to take a hiatus to contemplate just how I want this little escape to feel. 

And what I decided is that this blog will be my safe place for all of those random thoughts that take up those pedestrian moments every day. The things you think on the morning commute. The daydream you have midday when your email at work has slowed to a halt. The brilliant ideas that keep you up way past your bedtime, or make you grab the conditioner first instead of the shampoo.

But to be able to include all of those things, there are some major players in my life that deserve a little background (names have been shortened to initials for their privacy):

JV my other half. Just shy of two years together. Currently living and working on opposite ends of the country and hating it.
SL my best friend and little sister. She's mean on the outside, but soft on the inside. We're like bacon and chocolate, great alone, quirky together.
CL SL's best friend and birthday twin. We talk more than SL/CL do, and when SL abandons us for far away lands, we get our fix in by talking even more.
JM my saviour and temporary roommate when I moved to the city. After working together for a very short week and a half, I was invited into her home and left alone with all her worldly possessions and her puppy, Z.
AB my previous partner in crime (aka, work friend) who is sweet as pie and sporadically sarcastic and cynical.
JS the danceaholic who makes everyone smile. Also a previous partner in crime.
KD my version of SL's CL. She lives "back home," is a teacher, and has amazing curly hair. I miss her all the time and despite the fact that we rarely talk, it's like no time has passed when we're together.
M&D the parents. The role models. The reason I am who I am.
MM the newest partner in crime. Introverted just like me. Has a thing for feet (aka, reflexologist).
TW the future lawyer. She'll be abandoning me soon for the bigger city. A partner in crime from a previous life and always up for splitting a jug of sangria (or going to Chapters).
KK my "I can look to you for hope for my future." One half of a long distance marriage (at times), momma to sweet E, and fur momma to N. One heck of a homemaker.

To anyone I haven't included here, it's not that they don't play a part. There are just some that are more involved with (in?) my life at this junction.

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